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Missions Now

Hand Out Encouragement Where You Live

Updated: Mar 29, 2024

In March 2024, I spent 10 days in Japan, where God showed me how to share the Good News with the people there. I was blessed to see five people come to Christ in a country that's been called, "A Graveyard for Missionaries." Of course, what makes the difference is when the Holy Spirit moves--I witnessed a demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit. You can read more about my trip here: .

As I traveled back home, I prayed that God would help me continue pointing people to Jesus, and He repeatedly directed me to Psalm 107. I made it into a flyer and began passing them out at a local park. Here's a copy, if you'd like to print it out:

When I hand a flyer to someone, I say, "Can I give you some encouragement today?" Almost everyone accepts the flyer. I explain, "These are four sets of circumstances that people often find themselves in and encouragement for each one from Psalm 107. As you read through them... maybe one applies to you. There's a good chance because over the years, all four have applied to me." The flyers are usually very well received. At this point, if they are not walking away, I ask if they would like prayer today. Many do, so I ask if there's something specific they would like prayer for. When I pray, I begin by praying for their salvation. It's a way to share the Gospel through prayer. It goes something like this:

"Heavenly Father, I lift up Mark to you today. You made Mark, and you love him so much that you sent your only son, Jesus, to live among us. Jesus lived a perfect life--he was the only person in all of human history to completely obey you. So he became the perfect sacrifice for our sins. He freely gave his life when he was crucified on the cross to pay the price for our sins so that we can be forgiven and made right with you if we put our faith in Jesus and make him our one and only God. Then we can enjoy life's greatest blessing--to have a close walk with Jesus and to know that when we die, we will go to Heaven to be with you forever. So first of all, I pray for Mark's salvation. Now God, Mark has brought up a very practical need..."

After praying, I ask if there's anything else I can do for them and if they have any questions.

Here are the four sets of circumstances and the encouragement for each one:

Do you feel like you're wandering in a desert? You have a hunger and thirst, but you don't even know what for. Nothing satisfies it, no matter what you try. Psalm 107 tells us (paraphrasing) to Cry out to the Lord in your trouble. He will deliver you from your distress. Give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and for the many wonderful things He does for you. He will satisfy your thirst, and as far as your hunger goes... He will fill you with good things.

Are you suffering from addiction? Psalm 107 tells us (paraphrasing) to Cry out to the Lord in your trouble. He will deliver you from your distress. Give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and for the many wonderful things He does for you. He will bring you out of the darkness, the utter darkness. He will break your chains and deliver you from your addiction.

Are you suffering from mistakes you've made in the past? You feel like you've completely screwed up your life, and you might even consider suicide. Psalm 107 tells us (paraphrasing) to Cry out to the Lord in your trouble. He will deliver you from your distress. Give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and for the many wonderful things He does for you. He will send out His Word (that's Jesus & the Bible), and He will heal you. He will rescue you from the grave.

Do you feel like your life is a storm at sea. You're constantly getting hit by huge waves, one after another, and you don't know how much more you can take. Psalm 107 tells us (paraphrasing) to Cry out to the Lord in your trouble. He will deliver you from your distress. Give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and for the many wonderful things He does for you. He will calm the storm and guide you to a place of peace and safety.

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1 Comment

Mar 14, 2024

What a great perspective Ky. Whenever I have come back from a mission's journey the tension to share everything is so strong. Yet, like you have found, the people we come back to are not ready or are in so much need to have us simply listen to them first (relationships) and then ask for God's open door to share HOPE to them from His word (compassion).

Well done sir.

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